Articles of Incorporation and Statutes

Constitutive Act of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America

We, Dr. Carlos Chagas, Dr. Jorge E. Allende, Dr. Héctor Croxatto, Dr. Leopoldo de Meis, Dr. Sonia Dietrich, Dr. Patricio J, Garrahan, Dr. Armando Gómez Poyou, Dr. GB Marini-Bettolo, Dr. Sergio Mascarehnas, Dr. A. Paes Carvalho, Dr. Carlos Monge, Dr. M. Peixoto, Dr. Marcel Roche, Dr. Fernando Rosas P., Dr. P. Rudomín, Dr. Andres OM Stoppani, Dr. Raimundo Villegas, Dr. Jorge Villegas, scientific researchers, residents of our country of origin and here in transit attending an initiative of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, to establish the Academy of Sciences of Latin America;

Aware of the current state of scientific and technological research in Latin America and the Caribbean;

After having appreciated the need to strengthen scientific and technological research in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as an indispensable means to achieving the contribution of said activity to the autonomous development and well-being of the peoples of our region;

Convinced that through the establishment of academic institutions the links between people, organizations, and institutions dedicated to scientific and technological research in our countries can be promoted and consolidated;

Eager to build with all scientific researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean, without distinction of creed, ideologies, or ethnic origin, a concrete instrument of integration that facilitates the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences at the same time that organically channels initiatives and actions specifically aimed at improving quality and increasing scientific and technological research activities in the countries of our region.

Aware of the opportunity offered by the coming year of 1983, the Bicentennial of the Birth of Simón Bolívar, whom all those born in Latin America and the Caribbean recognize as a decolonizing man, of freedom, integration, and understanding, we have decided to establish, as in In effect, we have established, for the benefit of Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Academy of Sciences of Latin America, whose statutes, approved by us, are attached to this charter.

The Academy will be installed in Caracas on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the birth of Simón Bolívar.

We express our gratitude to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, to its President, Prof. Carlos Chagas, to its Director of Foreign Affairs, Father Enrico di Rosavenda and the Venezuelan colleagues for the initiative to propose the creation of the Latin American Academy of Sciences.

Done and signed in Rome on the twenty-sixth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two, at the headquarters of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences


Statutes of the Latin American Academy of Sciences

Part I
Constitution and purposes

Article 1: The purpose of the Academy is to promote, stimulate and encourage the cultivation of mathematical, physical, chemical, earth, and life sciences and their applications for the benefit of development and human, cultural and social integration in Latin America and the Caribbean. To this end, among other activities, the Academy:

  1. Promote collaboration between scientific institutions and the exchange of people and scientific knowledge;
  2. Promote scientific activities that contribute to human and social development, as well as to the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean;
  3. Promote scientific policy studies that contribute to the stable and continuous development of all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean;
  4. It will foster interest in science at different educational levels and among the entire population.

Article 2: For the achievement of its purposes, the Academy:

  1. Hold plenary meetings of its members;
  2. Will organize working groups on specific topics with the participation of its members, its staff, and scientists from the Region;
  3. Promote and carry out science information and study activities with the participation of its members, staff, and specialists from the Region;
  4. Promote and participate in the creation of similar scientific networks, centers, and organizations and cooperate with existing ones;
  5. Promote and participate in the organization of meetings, workshops, internships, seminars, conferences, and other similar activities, in which its members, staff, and scientists from the Region participate;
  6. Will use the other work systems and mechanisms that are necessary.

Artícle 3: The Academy will have its permanent headquarters in the Republic of Venezuela and will maintain collaborative and cooperative relationships with institutions and organizations linked to scientific activity, preferably from the countries of the Region.

The academics

Article 4: The Academics will have a lifetime character, they will be elected by the Academics themselves at the proposal of the Academy Council, among scientists who are outstanding for the high quality of their research work and for their dedication to serving the purposes of the Academy, taking in consideration of the representativeness of the different fields of science and the sub-regions of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Article 5: The Council of the Academy will establish the initial number of members and each year will establish the number of new Academics.

Government of the Academy

Article 6: The Academy will be governed by a President, appointed by the Academics at the proposal of the Council, for a period of three years. The consecutive reelection of the President may be done only once. The temporary absences of the President may be covered by the member of the Council designated by the President.

Article 7: The President shall be assisted in his functions by a Council chaired by himself. The Council will be made up of:

  1. the President of the Academy,
  2. the outgoing President,
  3. six Advisers,
  4. the Chancellor of the Academy,
  5. the Co-Chancellor of the Academy

The President and the other members of the Council, at the end of their service, will act as consultants and advisers with the character of honorary members of the same, and also the first President will be considered Honorary President-Founder.

Article 8: The Councilors will be elected by the Academics, at the proposal of the Council, which must take into consideration the representation of the different fields of science and the subregions of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Directors will be elected for six-year terms but will be renewed by half every three years.

Article 9: The Chancellor and the Co-Chancellor will be appointed by the Council of the Academy among the Academics of Venezuela, in consultation with the Simón Bolívar Foundation for the Latin American Academy of Sciences (FSB-ACAL), and will last in their functions for four years and may be re-elected. The Chancellor will thus have a Co-Chancellor, who will work closely with him in his activities.

Financial resources

Article 10: The Academy will annually have the resources assigned by the FSB-ACAL. The resources you can receive by any title; Donations, contributions, subsidies, and other donations made in favor of the Academy by natural or legal persons, public or private, international or from any country, will be received by the FSB-ACAL or by its permanent or ad-hoc representatives in the countries of the Region, with prior authorization from the Academy.

Article 11: The President, meeting with the Council of the Academy will prepare the budget of annual expenses and the annual balance.

The President may enter into agreements of intention with people, organizations, or international institutions or from any country, whose implementation will be in charge of the FSB-ACAL.

Corresponding Members, Honorary Members, and Advisors

Article 12: Academics, at the proposal of the Council of the Academy, may designate Corresponding Members to scientists residing outside the Region, recognized for their outstanding research work and their valuable cooperation to scientific progress in Latin America. The Corresponding Members will act in the capacity of advisers and collaborators of the Academy.

Article 13: Academics, at the proposal of the Council of the Academy, may appoint Honorary Members to people who have contributed in an outstanding way to the progress of Science in Latin America. The Honorary Members will act in the capacity of consultants and advisers to the Academy.

Article 14: The Council of the Academy may appoint Advisors to scientists and other professionals recognized for their work for the progress of the Academy.

General and Transitory Provisions

Article 15: These Statutes may be modified by the Academics under the rules established by the regulations.

Article 16: These Statutes will be complemented by the Academy regulations established by the Council and approved by the Academics.

Article 17: The persons who sign the Constitutive Act of the Academy will be Academics and will appoint the first President of the Academy and the first Chancellor of the Academy, who will appoint the first Councilors.

Article 18: The first Council will propose, during the first six months, the election of the Academics who will participate in the installation of the Academy.

Article 19: The President of the Academy will at all times be sufficiently authorized and empowered to take the necessary measures to guarantee the continuity of the activities of the Academy.

Article 20: Academics Carlos Chagas, President, and Raimundo Villegas, Chancellor were appointed for the first statutory period.

(Statutes approved at the Academy constitution meeting, held in Rome on September 25 and 26, 1982. Modified at the plenary meeting in Caracas, held on October 21 and 22, 1983; at the Buenos Aires plenary meeting Aires held on April 21-24, 1987, and by correspondence at the proposal of the Academy Council meeting in Valparaíso on October 06 and 07, 1994. Modified by the Academy Council meeting in Montevideo on October 28 and 29 September 2006).